No fuss. 30 Minutes. Game improvement & strategy to take your game to the next level hosted by Jilly B & Bay Area Breakers Scott Crandall. Episode 1 was on all things LOB. Be a fly on our nerdy pickleball wall every Wednesday at 4 PM PT.
Join us Oct. 28-30 at the magical Tres Palapas near Los Cabos Mexico. After being sold out for over three months we just had a group of four players pull out. If you love sunshine, tacos, white sand beaches, a laid back "mañana" vibe, and getting better at pickleball (on gorgeous courts), then this trip is for you. Oh, and if you love K-Dubs and me, too! Learn more here.
The Saudis Have Entered the Pickleball Chat

The PWR Tour, Series and Ranking system has pledged $15mm in prize money across five (5) global events in 2025. Can PWR become the "King Maker" by partnering with either the APP or UPA (PPA + MLP)? Word on the street is APP declined a partnership with PWR. Find out why on Episode 49 of This Pickleball Life.
Dear Jilly B: Why do I Keep Losing to Worse Players?
Why is it so easy to lose to players who aren't playing "real" pickleball?

Ugh, I really empathize with this question! One "bad apple" in a group who speeds up wildly from the mid court, or lobs after one dink, can bring down the entire group. This is because they usually end up dictating the pace of the entire group--but only if you allow them to do so! It may not seem this way, but I promise you can control this (and them) by controlling how YOU react to their poor decisions.
So If the bad apple:
-Initiates a "stupid" speed up: Let it hit the back fence! They won't do it again.
-Hits their 4th lob of the game: Punish it! You won't see another.
-Drives the fifth: Swing at it and punish it. (Remember, when a banger bangs, you have to swing back. DON'T RESET IT). Punish it and they won't do it again.

We're giving away a pair of pickleball's best shoes to one lucky guy & gal. Simply head to my instagram to participate. (Deadlined has been extended to Wednesday August 21).
Ps did you see the video where I weighed the most popular pickleball shoes on the market?! Guess which shoe is the lightest...
Biohacks of the Week! 1 of 2
The "Toe Pro"
So I found this thing called a Toe Pro and I'm not going to lie, it has totally changed my life. My chronic achilles pain disappeared over night - no exaggeration. This squish mat strengthens your toes and calves and helps with almost any foot, achilles and calve issue. No discount code (sorry!)
Biohacks of the Week! (2 of 2)
Shockwave Focus Therapy

Five months of chronic hamstring pain was gone after one Shockwave session. On a scale of pain1-10 it was about 100 though. Not for the faint of heart! But the entire session lasts less than 30 minutes and the pain comes in 10 second bursts when the ultrasound is held in place on the affected tissue. So you're not in pain the ENTIRE time. (Thank goodness). If you're in Southern California check out Dr. Shaun Wieble and Dr. Kissinger in San Clemente, CA and try it out. The procedure is expensive ($250) but you will not be disappointed.
Gamma Discount Code Expires Soon!
Check out this Airbender Review from Josh in NC:
"One of the most solid, quick hands, best feeling paddles I've played with. Will likely be my #1...I think all it needs is the lightest weight shockbuster in the top o the throat."
The JILLYB 25% off code at Gamma expires soon so don't delay! Head to and use code JILLYB25.
Have a question for Jilly B & K-Dubs? Email us at
Jilly B
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